We’d like to take some time to reflect on how our business developed and progressed within 2020. With the last year definitely being one to remember, through many highs and lows we are so grateful that we have managed to grow as a team and as a business, thanks to all of our clients! We worked with some incredible companies last year, ranging from small independents to some of the biggest names in the industry. Trying to think positively towards 2021, we are looking back on some achievements we didn’t think were possible in the year of the lockdown. We started the year off with a bang, we were in Hall1 at the January Furniture Show for the third year running. It actually caught us off guard how much attention the images on our stand got. Our own personal highlight was being approached by a number of other CGI agencies asking about our work. Not a bad way to brush off those January blues!

In 2020 we were able to expand our team (we almost doubled it!) now we have such a range of people working here and our skill sets are only growing. Our CGI team has now doubled in size, so we have an amazing team who all specialise in different areas. We have also taken on two new account managers and two new members of the fabric team, along with the increase in the CGI team we have more manpower to work on more projects. Possibly our favourite new member of the team is the office pup, Rodney! He’s here everyday and is always ready to greet the team with tail wagging. Last year we really wanted to step up our game when it came to offering more services to our clients. Not only have we started developing and offering digital sales and marketing packages (which you can read all about here), but we have also taken a lot of time to produce more animation and get back to our roots with videography. We are now able to offer our clients a broader range of marketing assets, this includes creating corporate videos, animations for their products, a shared library of digital assets between clients which also provides networking to fuel real-life sales.

Another new way that we’ve become increasingly helpful to our clients is through prototyping products in CGI (you can read about this here). Much of last year was spent assessing new ways that we can help our clients sell and progress as businesses even during lockdowns and uncertain times. With the help of our digital sales packages and prototyping service – many of our clients have been able to continue, or even improve their methods of selling and designing. A huge moment for us in 2020 was when we were recognised by the UK government as a Research and Development agency for progressing technology in the furniture and interior industry. The team took the time to create and adapt brand new softwares and scripts to create realistic CGI fabrics that had never been seen before. If you look closely at our most recent projects, you will see that our fabrics even include the tiny fibres you find on real fabrics.

In terms of our studio space we’ve done quite a lot of renovation this year, not only have we upped our digital storage and rendering capacity, but we have also made some physical changes to our office space! We are happy to announce that in early 2021 we will be focusing on renovating our showroom and will be hosting Warwick and Tamarisk – keep an eye out for this, it’s sure to be good! Not only have we upped our digital storage capacity but we have also hugely invested in our technology. We are constantly looking for new tips and tricks and always looking to learn the newest technology which is why we are always updating our tech. Speaking of renovation, we took a look at our website and social media, we wanted to really represent who we are and what we do. We have completely rebranded our instagram to have more of a continuous theme. Along with this, we have updated our website with new services pages and places to showcase our videos and animations.

Of course an amazing way to end 2020 was by being on the December cover of Furniture News! Along with our work being the front cover, we also had a six page spread discussing how we are redefining the fabric of reality. Our main focus for this was to let the Furniture News readers know how we are helping all suppliers, retailers and manufacturers in the furniture industry through networking between clients and creating a shared library of digital CGI assets! You can read all about this here. We cannot wait to see what 2021 holds for us and our clients! If you are interested in getting to know more about who we are and what we can do for you, just drop us a call or an email and one of our team will be in contact in no time!